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Arabi Elementary School Alligators

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Car Rider and Walker Procedures


Our car rider line runs very efficiently and procedures were implemented to ensure the safety of our students. If followed, all students can be dismissed in a timely manner. The following procedures must be adhered to by all parents and students.

  • Absolutely NO cell phone use in the carpool line.  This is STATE LAW.
  • School begins at 8:00 and ends at 3:00.  Students may not exit your vehicle in the morning until 7:35 and should be picked up by 3:20.
  • The entrance gate to the parking lot will be closed during afternoon dismissal. Please do not park and walk up from surrounding areas to pick up your child at the cafeteria doors. This is not a safe procedure and we discourage this practice as it hampers the dismissal of the other car riders. If waiting outside, please be patient, we cannot dismiss any student before the 3:00 bell rings.
  • In order to ensure that your child is released to authorized individuals, all vehicles must display the car rider sign at drop off on the first day of school.  If you need additional signs, please contact the school office. PLEASE BE SURE TO HAVE THE SIGN PROPERLY DISPLAYED SO THAT OUR DUTY TEACHERS CAN QUICKLY AND SAFELY DISMISS YOUR CHILD.
  • Walkers will be escorted to either the crossing guard or the Flagpole to meet their parents or be crossed by the crossing guard. 
  • Children will be sent to a cone number.  Pull all the way up to the cone where your child/children will be waiting.  Children are instructed to not walk up to moving cars.  We can accept and load 8-10 students with this procedure.
  • You may not park in the parking lot and call for your child.  This is unsafe for all children.  You MUST go through the car line.
  • Parents of EDS students who are picking up their child/children before 3:20 p.m., must also park in the parking spots on Alexander next to the gym and go to the office to sign out their child/children. EDS students may not go to the Car Rider Line for dismissal.  An authorized individual must come in to officially sign them out.
  • Once our dismissal procedure starts at 2:45, office personnel will not be able to call students from any dismissal area, as they are assisting with other after school duties.

Thank you for your cooperation!