In chorus, 3-5th graders learn a wide variety of songs for performance in English and other languages as well. We work on reading music and singing by ear. We learn solfege, how to properly breath and produce tone with good technique. The result of this work is fun and beautiful. By the time our concerts come around, we are proud to share our joyful sound.
Sarah Stevens
Hi singers! I hope you are doing well and I get to see you again soon! In the meantime, practice your music that you have from me, but also check out youtube karaoke tracks and learn some of your favorite songs by heart... it's really good to memorize things, especially music. It's like a workout for your brain. Just keep singing, just keep singing...
Take care!
-Ms. Stevens
Great news! We have been invited to perform at Sugarfest again this year!! The date is Oct. 14th at noon. Please mark your calendars!